Penni has gotten into her mother’s room and found her glasses on the bedside table.
“Everything looks so warped through through mom’s glasses! It feels like the floor is caving in.”
Initially published on Instagram @hmations on August 25, 2021
Penni has gotten into her mother’s room and found her glasses on the bedside table.
“Everything looks so warped through through mom’s glasses! It feels like the floor is caving in.”
Initially published on Instagram @hmations on August 25, 2021
I found it very entertaining to wear my mom’s stiletto high heel shoes and drag them through the carpet, making little lines. It was difficult to walk in those too-big shoes. I can only imagine what my mom thought of me wearing those shoes.
Initially published on instagram @hmations on October 6, 2021
In this short action comic, Penni and Becky race along rocky shores to escape the crocodile intent on pulling them into the lava. Is what you see really what's going on? Or is there more imagination at play?
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The second comic in the Penni and Beck series. Penni loves all of her toys the same besides Becky. One night after being sent to bed, Penni can't sleep, anxious about all of her sad and lonely toys. She gets up, turns on the light and brings all of her lonely sad toys to bed where she knows they will feel loved and included.
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The first comic and the inspiration for my latest comic project: The Adventures of Penni and Beck. All the comics following this one are inspired by experiences from my childhood. I hope others can relate to some of the fundamental experiences I had and enjoy the imagination added, and those who have not experienced these things in their childhood can appreciate the narratives and think about the stories they can tell from their own childhood.
When I was a kid I was inspired by the disney film Mary Poppins to try flying with an umbrella. After watching that movie on VHS I would grab my umbrella and run outside where I would start to climb the fence. In reality I never put myself in mortal danger, and no I never flew, but I like to think about what the story would have been like if I was more daring and flying with an umbrella really was possible.
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